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85. Kaur, K.; Mandal, R.; Walensky, J.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Electrocatalytic Micelle-Driven Hydrodefluorination for Accessing Unprotected Monofluorinated Indoles" Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2025, e20241613

• Featured on the back cover of Angewandte Chemie:


84. Editorial: "Expectations for Manuscripts in the Field of Polymer Science in ACS
Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering" ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2025, 13, 3022


83. Dusunge, A.; Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "AshPhos Ligand: Facilitating Challenging Aminations in Five- and Six-Membered Heteroaryl Halides Using Cyclic Secondary and Bulky Amines" JACS Au2025, 5, 91.  â€‹

• Featured on the cover of JACS Au:



82. Handa, S. "The Ligand: An Overlooked Element in Sustainable Catalysis" Trends Chem2024, 6, 428.

Invited for the Special issue: Emerging leaders in chemistry


81. Kaur, G.; Hedouin, G.; Mandal, R.; Jasinski, J. B.; He, X.; Su, M.; Liu, J.;  Guo, X.; Walensky, J.; Baker, G. A.; Gallou, G.; Handa, S. "Ions- and Micelle-Dependent Spontaneous Formation of Nanodendritic Gold(I) With Catalytic Activity in Aqueous Environment" ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 15645.

Featured on SYNFACTS:


80. Sharma, S.;  Kaur, K.; Engl, O.; Campbell, M. J.; Hicks, F.; Handa, S. "Difluorination of Unprotected Indoles Followed by Hydrodefluorination Assisted by the Byproduct of Fluorinating Agent" ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2024, 12, 15056.


79. Hazra, S.; Kaur, K. K.; Ye, N.; Sirjani, B. B.; Sharma, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa. S. "Bisphosphine-Ligated Palladium Species: A Key Catalyst for Atroposelective Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling of Nitrogen-Enriched Five-Membered Heterocycles." 2024, submitted.


78. Sharma, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow: Advancing Green Practices in Organic Chemistry" Green Chem. 2024, 26, 6289. 


77. Ansari, T. N.; Kaur, G.; Colacot, T. J.; Handa, S. " Chemistry of “In-Water” Reactions: Spotlights on Micellar and Phase-Transfer Catalysis " In Organic Transformations in Water: Principles and Applications, Wiley-VCH,  2024,


76. Ansari, T. N.; Choudhary, R. H.; Nachtegaal, M.; Clark, A. H.; Plummer, S. V.; Jasinki, J. B.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Aminations of Aryl Halides Using Nitroaromatics as Coupling Partners: Overcoming Hydrodehalogenation Pathway Under Hydrogen Atmosphere in Water" ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 4099. 

Featured on the front cover of ACS Catalysis 


75. Parmar, S.; Handa, S.; Kozlowski, P. M. "Mechanistic insights into photo-assisted DMF cleavage mediated by charge transfer reaction"  J. Photochem. Photobiol., A  2024, 466, 115155.  


74.  Virdi, J. K.; Dusunge, A.; Handa, S. "Aqueous Micelles as Solvent, Ligand, and Reaction Promotor"  JACS Au  2024, 4, 301.

• Featured on the front cover of JACS Au



73.  Sharma, S.; Ansari, T.; Kaur, K.; Gorce, A.; Braje, W.; Handa, S. "Rapid Amide Couplings in Water for Undergraduate Laboratories"  J. Chem. Educ.,  2023, 100, 4406

• Featured on the journal cover. 


72.  Hedouin, G.; Sharma, S.; Kaur, K.; Choudhary, R. H.; Jasinski, J. B.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Ligand-Free Ultrasmall Recyclable Iridium(0) Nanoparticles for Regioselective Aromatic Hydrogenation of Phosphine Oxide Scaffolds: An Easy Access to New Phosphine Ligands"  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,  2023, 62,  e20230713.

Featured on the back cover of Angewandte.


71.  Handa, S. "VSI (Editorial): Sustainable Chemo- and Bio-Catalysis: From Academia to Industry  "ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.,  2023, 11, 8404.


70. Ansari, T.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Palladium-catalyzed micellar cross-couplings " Coord. Chem. Rev.,  2023, 488, 215158.


69. Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "Nanocatalysis" Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 2023, 41, 100814.


68. Hedouin, G.; Ogulu, K.; Kaur, G.; Handa, S. "Aqueous Micellar Technology: An Alternative Beyond Organic Solvents " Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 2842.

• Featured on the journal cover:


67. Sharma, S.; Braje, W.; Jasinski, J.; Handa, S. " Ultrasmall Cu(I) Nanoparticles Stabilized on Surface of HPMC: An Efficient Catalyst for Fast and Organic Solvent-Free Tandem Click Chemistry in Water" ChemSusChem 2023, 16, e202201826.

• Featured on the journal cover:  

• This article also appears in: Hot Topic: Click Chemistry -



66. Ansari, T.; Sharma, S.; Hazra, S.; Hicks, F.; Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "Trichloromethyl Carbanion in Aqueous Micelles: Mechanistic Insights and Access to Carboxylic Acids from (Hetero)aryl Halides" ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 15686.


65. Kaur, G.; Jasinski, J.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Metal-Micelle Interaction Leading to Spontaneous Formation of Ligand-Free Palladium(0) Nanoparticles: Highly-Efficient Catalysis Enabling Biaryl Ketones Formation from Carboxylic Acid Derivatives" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 50947.

Featured on the journal cover of ASC Applied Materials and Interfaces.


64. Sharma, S.; Parmar, P.; Ibrahim, F.; Clark, A. H.; Nachtegaal, N.; Jasinski, J. B.;  Gallou, F.; Kozlowski, M. M.; Handa, S. "Sustainable and Bench-Stable Photoactive Aqueous Nanoaggregates of Cu(II) for ppm Level Cu(I) Catalysis in Water" Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2204459 (IF 18.8).

• Featured on the journal cover.


63. Bin, W.;‡ Miraghaee, S.;‡ Handa, S.; Gallou, F. "Nanocatalysis in Pharmaceutical Industry"  Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. 2022, 38 (100691), 1-6.

‡These authors contributed equally.


62. Kaur, G.;‡ Kaur, K.‡ Handa, S. "Efficient Catalysis in Dynamic Nanomicelles Suspended in Water"  Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. 2022, 38, 100690.

‡These authors contributed equally.


61. Hedouin, G.; Hazra, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "The Catalytic Formation of Atropisomers and Stereocenters via Asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura Couplings"  ACS Catal. 202212, 4918.


60. Hazra, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Water: An Underestimated Solvent for Amide Bond-Forming Reactions"  ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 202210, 5299.


59. Ogulu, D.;‡ Bora, P. P.;‡ Bihani, M.; Sharma, S.; Ansari, T. N.; Wilson, A. J.; Jasinski, J. B.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. " Nanoparticles as Catalyst for Facile, General, Sustainable, and Highly Selective 1,4-Reductions in Aqueous Micelles"  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 6754

‡These authors contributed equally.



58. Hazra, S.; Seechurn, C. C. C. J.; Handa, S.; Colacot, T. "The Resurrection of Murahashi Coupling After Four Decades"  ACS Catal., 2021, 11, 13118.

Featured on the journal cover of ASC Catalysis.


57. Sharma, S.; Ansari, T. N.; Handa, S. "HPMC: A Biomass-Based Semisynthetic Sustainable Additive Enabling Clean and Fast Chemistry in Water"  ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 12719.


56. Ansari, T. N.; Sharma, S.; Hazra, S.; Jasinski, J.; Wilson, A. J.; Hicks, F.; Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "Shielding Effect of Nanomicelles: Stable and Catalytically Active Oxidizable Pd(0) Nanoparticle Catalyst Compatible for Cross-Couplings of Water-Sensitive Acid Chlorides in Water" JACS Au, 20211, 1506


55. Sharma, S.; Kaur, G.; Handa, S. "Insights into Fast Amide Couplings in Aqueous Nanomicelles " Org. Process Res. Dev. 2021, 25, 1960

Featured on the journal cover of OPRD.


54. Ansari, T. N.;‡ Sharma, S.;‡ Bora, P. P.;‡ Ogulu, D.;‡ Parmar, S.; Gallou, F.; Kozlowski, P. M.; Handa, S. "Photoassisted Charge Transfer Between DMF and Substrate: Facile and Selective N,N-Dimethylamination of Fluoroarenes" ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 2704. 

‡These authors contributed equally.


53. Hazra, S.; Kaur, G.; Handa, S. "Reactivity of Styrenes in Micelles: Safe, Selective, and Sustainable Functionalization with Azides and Carboxylic Acids" ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 5513


52. Borlinghaus, N.; Ansari, T. N.; Braje, L.; Ogulu, D.; Handa, S.; Wittmann, V.; Braje, W. "Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions under Aqueous, Mild Conditions Using Polymeric Additive HPMC" Green Chem. 2021, 23, 3955

Featured on the journal cover of Green Chemistry.


51. Duong, U.; Ansari, T.; Parmar, S.; Sharma, S.; Kozlowski, P.; Jasinski, J.; Plummer, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Nanochannels in Photoactive Polymeric Cu(I) Compatible for Efficient micellar Catalysis: Sustainable Aerobic Oxidations of Alcohols in Water" ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng, 2021, 9, 2854.

Featured on the cover of ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.


50. Ansari, T. N.;  Jasinski, J. B. Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "Metal-Micelle Cooperativity: Phosphine Ligand-Free Ultrasmall Palladium Nanoparticles for Catalysis in Water at Room Temperature" JACS Au, 2021, 1, 308.

Featured on the front cover of JACS Au.



49. Petkova, D.; Borlinghaus, N.; Sharma, S, Kaschel, J.; Lindner, T.; Klee, J.; Haller, V.; Heitz, S.; Dietrich, J.; Braje, W.; Handa, S. "Hydrophobic Pockets of HPMC Enable Extremely Short Reaction Times in Water" ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 12612.

•Feature in C&E News; see,

•Selected to be featured in ACS Editors' Choice

•Featured on the journal's cover

•Highlighted in OPRD, see: 


48. Sharma, S.; Buchbinder, N. W.; Braje, W. M.; Handa, S. "Fast Amide Couplings in Water: Extraction, Column Chromatography, and Crystallization Not Required" Org. Lett. 2020, 20, 5737.

•Highlighted in SYNFACTS, see: 

•Highlighted in OPRD, see:

•Featured on the journal's cover; see, 


47. Bihani, M.;† Ansari, T. N.;† Finck, L.; Bora, P. P.; Jasinski, J. B.; Pavuluri, B.; Leahy, D. K.; Handa, S. "Ultrasmall Pd Nanoparticles in Aqueous Micelles for Scalable α-Arylation of Nitriles: Surprising Formation of Carbanions." ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 6816.

† these authors contributed equally.

•Highlighted in C&E News; see,

•Highlighted  in SYNFACTS,

•Featured on the journal's cover; see,


46. Sharma, S.; Das, J.; Handa, S. "A Glimpse on Green Chemistry Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry." ChemSusChem, 2020, 13, 2859.

•Designated as a VIP article

•Featured on the journal's front cover; https://chemistry-     

This article also appears in: Hot Topic: C-C Coupling, Wiley

Featured with Authors Profile,



45. Wilfried, B.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S.; Tang, W. "Sustainable and Affordable Chemistry." ChemCatChem2019,  11, 5660. 


44. Duong, U. T.; Gade, A.; Plummer, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa. S. "Reactivity of Carbenes in Aqueous Nanomicelles Containing Palladium Nanoparticles." ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 10963.

•Highlighted in SYNFACTS, 2020, 16, 323.   


43. Ansari, T.; Taussat, A.; Clark, A.; Nachtegaal, M.; Plummer, S.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Insights on Bimetallic Micellar Nanocatalysis for Buchwald-Hartwig Aminations."ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 10389. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b02622.

Highlighted in C&EN

•Highlighted in SYNFACTS, 2020, 16, 197. 


42. Bihani, M.; Bora, P. P.; F.; Jasinski, J. B.; Nachtegaal Maarten, M.; Gallou, Handa, S. "Microballs containing Ni(0)Pd(0) nanoparticles for highly selective micellar catalysis in water." ACS Catal., 2019, 9, 7520.

•Highlighted in SYNFACTS, 2019, 15, 1293.


41. Smith, J. D.; Jamhawi, A. M.; Je, J.; Advincula, R.; Gallou, F.; Liu, J.; Handa, S. "Organic polymer with dual chromophores and fast charge transfer properties for sustainable photocatalysis." Nature Communications. 2019, 10, 1837.

•Nature Communications Editors' Highlighted Article for Energy Materials


40. Bora, P. P.; Bihani, M. B.; Plummer, S., Gallou, F.; Handa, S. "Shielding effect of micelle for highly effective and selective monofluorination of indoles in water." ChemSusChem, 2019, 12, 3037. 


39. Takale, B.; Thakore, R.; Handa, S.; Gallou, F.; Reilly, J.; Lipshutz, B. "A new, substituted palladacycle for ppm level Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings in water." Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 8825.


38. Handa, S.;*Jin, B.; Bora, P. P.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Gallou, F.; Reilly, J.; Lipshutz, B. H.* "Sonogashira couplings catalyzed by Fe nanoparticles containing ppm levels of reusable Pd, under mild aqueous micellar conditions." ACS Catal. 2019,  9, 2423.


37.     Bora, P.; Handa, S. "Imides in Rhodium Catalysis." Invited Book Chapter for Imides: Medicinal, Agricultural, Synthetic Applications and Natural Products Chemistry, 2019, in production, Elsevier publisher.


36.    Ansari, T. N.; Handa, S. "Micelle-Enabled Cross-Couplings in Water - A Technology Relevant to Industry." Invited Book Chapter for Organometallic Chemistry in Industry, 2019, in production, Wiley VCH.


35. Handa, S.; Smith, J. D.Photoredox catalysis with porous polyemrs through irradiation of a catalyst face not in contact with the reaction mixture.” Application assigned USSN 62/723,697.




34.    Handa, S.;* Ibrahim, F.; Ansari, T.; Gallou, F. "π-Allylpalladium species in micelles of FI-750-m for sustainable and general Suzuki-Miyaura couplings of unactivated quinoline systems in water." ChemCatChem, 2018, 9, 4229.

Featured on the journal's front cover.


33.    Smith, J. D.; Ansari, T. N.; Andersson, M. P.; Dongari, Y.; Ibrahim, F.; Liang, S.; Hammond, G. B.; Gallou, F.; Handa. S. “Micelle-enabled clean and selective sulfonylation of polyfluoroarenes in water under mild conditions.” Green. Chem. 2018, 20, 1784.

•This work was featured on the journal's back cover.


32. Landstrom, E. B.; Handa, S.;Aue, D. H.; Gallou, F.; Lipshutz, B. H. "EvanPhos: a ligand for ppm level Pd-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura couplings in either organic solvent or water." Green Chem. 2018, 20, 2436.


31.    Finck, L.; Brals, J.; Pavuluri, B.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. “Micelles-enabled photo-assisted selective oxyhalogenation of alkynes in water under mild conditions.” Invited from J. Org. Chem. 2018, 83, 7366.

*published with a high school student and invited article for a special issue on organic and biocompatible transformations in aqueous media.


30.    Lu, Z.; Jasinski, J. B.; Handa S.*; Hammond, G. B*. "Recyclable cellulose-palladium nanoparticles for clean cross-coupling chemistry." Org. Biomol. Chem. 2018, 16, 2748.


29.    Handa, S.*; Smith, J. D.; Zhang, Y.; Gallou, F.; Lipshutz, B. H. “Sustainable, copper-free HandaPhos-ppm palladium technology for sonogashira couplings in water under mild conditions.” Org. Lett. 2018, 20, 542.


28. Bihani, M.; Ansari, T.; Handa, S. Curr. "The magical but endangered metal: searching for sustainable palladium catalysis." Opin. Green Sustainable Chem. 2018, 11, 45.




27.    Brals, J.; Smith, J. D.; Ibrahim, F.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. “Micelle-enabled palladium catalysis for convenient sp2-sp3 coupling of nitroalkanes with aryl bromides in water under mild conditions.” ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 7245.


26.    Smith, J. D.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S. “Organometallic catalysis and sustainability: From origin to date.” (invited) Johnson-Metthey Tech. Rev., 2017, 16, 231.


25.    Klumphu, P.; Camille D.; Zhang, Y.; Handa, S.;* Gallou, F; Lipshutz, B. H. "Micellar catalysis-enabled sustainable ppm Au-catalyzed reactions in water at room temperature." Chem. Sci. 2017, 8, 6354. (*corresponding authors)


24.    Isley, N. A.; Wang, Y.; Gallou, F.; Handa, S.; Aue, D. H.; Lipshutz, B. H. “A micellar catalysis strategy for Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings of 2-pyridyl MIDA boronates: No copper, in water, very mild conditions.” ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 8331.


23.    Gabriel, C. M.; Parmentier, M.; Riegert, C.; Lanz, M.; Handa, S.; Lipshutz, B. H.; Gallou, F. “Sustainable and scalable Fe/ppm Pd nanoparticle nitro group reductions in water at room temperature.” Org. Process. Res. Dev. 2017, 21, 247.


22.    “Phosphorous ligands and methods of use.” Lipshutz, B. H.; Handa, S. US 2017/0362263 A1


21.    “Fe nanoparticles with ppm contents of Pd, Cu and/or Ni, and reactions in water catalyzed by them.” Lipshutz, B. H.; Handa, S. WO 2017106426 A1 20170622.


20.    “Biaryl ligands for transition metal-catalyzed reactions.” Lipshutz, B. H.; Handa, S. PCT International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/US17/58946, filed October 30, 2017.


19.    “Oxaphosphole ligands for cross-coupling reactions.” Lipshutz, B. H.; Handa, S. PCT International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/US17/58928, filed October 30, 2017.





18.    Lipshutz, B. H.; Gallaou, F.; Handa, S. “The evolution of solvents in organic chemistry.” ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2016, 4, 5838.


17.    Handa, S;* Smith, J. D.; Hageman, M. S.; Gonzalez, M.; Lipshutz, B. H.* “Synergistic and selective copper/ppm Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura couplings: in water, mild conditions, with recycling.” ACS Catal. 2016, 16, 8179. (*corresponding authors)


16.    Feng, J.; Handa, S.;* Gallou, F.; Lipshutz, B. H. “Safe and selective nitro group reductions catalyzed by sustainable and recyclable Fe/ppm Pd nanoparticles in water at room temperature.” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 9125. (*corresponding authors)


15.    Handa, S.; Andersson, M. P.; Fabrice, G; Reilly, J.; Lipshutz, B. H. “HandaPhos. A general ligand enabling sustainable ppm levels of palladium catalysis in water at room temperature.” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 4914. 

Hot article

Featured on i) a journal’s front cover. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201510570

ii) C&En News:

iii) Synfacts, DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1562001

iv) Org. Process. Res. Dev., DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.6b00149


14.    “Nano-to-nano Fe/ppm Pd catalysis of Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions in water.” Lipshutz, B. H.; Handa, S. US2016/0339418/A1


13. Ruch, A. A.; Handa, S.; Kong, F.; Nesterov, V. N.; Pahls, D. R.; Cundari, T. R.; Slaughter, L. M. “Competing amination and C-H arylation pathways in Pd/xantphos-catalyzed transformations of binaphthyl triflates: switchable routes to chiral amines and helicene derivatives.”  Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 8123.




12.    Handa, S.; Fabrice G.; Lipshutz, B. H. “Sustainable Fe/ppm Pd nanoparticle catalysis of Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions in water.” Science, 2015, 349, 1087. 

Featured on i) C&En News: ii) UCSB current, science & techonolgy:  

ii) Chemical Processing:

iii) Science Daily:

iv) Org. Process. Res. Dev. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.5b00336


11.    Handa, S.; Slack, E. D.; Lipshutz, B. H. “Nano-nickel catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings in water.” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 11994.


10.    Handa, S.; Subramanium, S. S.; Tanski, J. M.; Ruch, A. A.; L. M. “ Ligand- and Brønsted acid/base-switchable reaction pathways in gold(I)-catalyzed cycloisomerizations of allenoic acids.” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 3936.




9.    Handa, S.; Lippincott, D. J.; Aue, D. H.; Lipshutz, B. H. “Asymmetric gold-catalyzed lactonizations in water at room temperature.” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10658.


8.    Handa, S.; Fennewald, J. C.; Lipshutz, b. H.; “Aerobic oxidation in  nanomicelles of aryl alkynes, in water at room temperature.” Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 3432.


Before 2013


7.    Nanayakkara, Y. S.; Woods, R.; Breitbach, Z. S.; Handa, S.; Slaughter, L. M.; Armstrong, D. W. “Enantiomeric separation of isochromene derivatives by hplc using cyclodextrin based (cyclobond) stationary phases and principal component analysis of the retention data”. J. Chromatogr. A. 2013, 30, 94.


6.    Handa, S; Slaughter, L. M. “Access to 2’-substituted binaphthyl mono-alcohols via complementary nickel-catalyzed kumada coupling reactions under mild conditions: key role of a P, O ligand” J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 5694.


5.    Singh, P; Raj, R; Bhargava, G; Hendricks, D T.; Handa, S.; Slaughter, L. M.; Kumar, V. “β-Lactam synthon-interceded diastereoselective synthesis of functionalized octahydroindole-based molecular scaffolds and their in vitro cytotoxic evaluation.” Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2012, 58, 513.


4.    Owusu, M. O.; Handa, S.; Slaughter, L. M. “Chugaev-type bis(acyclic diaminocarbenes) as a new ligand class for the palladium-catalyzed Mizoroki-Heck reaction.” App Organomet. Chem. 2012, 26, 712.


3.    Handa, S.; Slaughter, L. M. “Enantioselective alkynylbenzaldehyde cyclizations catalyzed by chiral gold(I) acyclic diaminocarbene complexes containing weak Au-pi interaction.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 2912. 

Designated as a Very Important Paper (top 5%) 

Featured on i) journal back cover, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201109229

ii) Angewandte Chemie Highlights, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201200739

iii) Synfacts, DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1290856

iv) Chem Cat Chem, DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201200224


2.    Subramanium, S. S.; Handa, S.; Miranda, A. J.; Slaughter, L. M. “Simple silver salts and palladium bis(N-heterocyclic carbene) complexes as complementary catalysts for the Nazarov cyclization.” ACS Catalysis. 2011, 1, 1371.


1.    Raj, R.; Mehra, V.; Singh, P.; Kumar, V.; Bhargava, G.; Mahajan, M. P.; Handa, S.; Slaughter, L. M. “β-Lactam-synthon-interceded, facile, one-pot, diastereoselective synthesis of functionalized tetra/octahydroisoquinolone derivatives” Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 2011, 2697.

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